Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Decided I want to spam the blog today...feeling particularly literary...

A comment that i wrote in another person's blog set me thinking... i was writing about a movie that i liked (Mozhi - not particularly great.. but not bad at all) and how I really liked the hero... Now me being me - I have an obssessive tic that makes me need to know all things about people I like.. so i went and did the good old google on him and realized that he was younger than me... now i know that is a possbility and people have been born since 1980...

but somehow when i was younger (and that was apparently a long time ago)i always had this comfortable feeling that people who were famous/rich/plain better-off - were all older than me and hence I had a chance to get there...so when i was 16 i used to idolize a 25 year old Pete Sampras and feel good about it.. now the Roger (Go Nadal!) is 3 years younger than me! It really bothers me... I was born into a family where I was the youngest by faaar (the smart ones might get a connection to 'kutty').. and now I am having crushes on people younger than me.. tis a sobering thought...

Another thing that gives me a sense of perspective now is the fact that I am able to have conversations with friends about Nappy Rashes and baby poo - I have friends who have babies - it means now that we would necessarily need to stop behaving like babies - in public atleast..

Catching up...

Yesterday I had a long conversation with one of my favorite people in the world after a long time...

Somewhere in our lives journeys (is there such a word ? There should be...)we lost our ability to just sit and chat... I had forgotten the pleasure of having long conversations about everything and everybody - esp with a girl...In fact thats the first thing I told R after we got married - I missed staying with girls!! - To his credit he understood it the way it was supposed to be understood :)

But the conversation also helped me appreciate the life I have... that i actually enjoy what I do inspite the occasional(ok not so occasional) cribs...

I am feeling particularly sunny for what should be a predominantly PMS-y season.I am at work now.. doesn't promise to be a sunny day (weather-wise or otherwise)... but it has started well... had a lovely drive to work with R - chatted with him after a long time ( a good thing also considering we are in the same city and don't meet for 40 hours at a stretch) ... about career and life and how things should be and what we should do and plans...that was nice...

heard the title song of 'Cheeni Kum' ... I love it - loved it in Tam .. I also sang along - pretending I had the ability to go high pitch a la Chitra or Shreya Ghoshal... No harm in pretending anyway!

read a couple of great blogs... Thanks Meeraah and treeisgone... love you both... made me feel particularly happy and lucky to have friends like you...

And now the day begins... Lets see how that goes... I think I am going to spend another 30 minutes on this rather self-uplifting activity... defeating the purpose of getting here early.. but wth